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Where to Start? Performance Testing and Being Motivated!

Performance Testing for Power

This is the first of multiple posts talking about the importance of performance testing. So stay tuned and subscribe for more!plyo1

It is no new concept that generally people start a fitness program becuase they want to look better, and hopefully, feel better. But so many cookie cutter programs focus way too much on physical appearance alone. During the beginning part of a program is when the most changes happen to your body, physically and physiologically. It is so motivating seeing yourself lose inches and scale weight! But after a time (usually about 4-8 weeks) those changes become less and less, and eventually you might go weeks without seeing the scale change. Hell,
 you might even see it go up! And that is so de-motivating, when the only thing you have to judge yourself with is weight. But what you don't realize is that so many more changes are happening in your body! Your blood pressure is lower, heart rate is lower (and more blood pumped per beat!), you are faster, stronger, have more endurance, have less body fat, are more flexible, and are better balanced and coordinated. But you really don't know all this becuase the only thing you tested is your weight...

It is so important, for your own motivation and well-being, to focus on things besides weight (and physical appearance). This is why I use a battery of fitness tests, so that I can track any and all improvements. After all, the more changes I see in these areas, the better! I stay motivated, and I might even come up with some new goals!

Below are a few fitness tests I use on myself and clients, to be aware the health and fitness is SO MUCH MORE than scale weight and physical appearance. These tests measure POWER and with any comprehensive fitness/health/wellness program, these will improve with training. Shown are upper body power, and lower body power.

Upper Body Power

Power is the ability to lift something heavy, quickly. Examples of power exercises are jumps, throws, and Olympic Lifting. It is the ability for many muscles to work together in coordination to move something quickly. In lifestyle, upper body power examples include throwing something into the truck of your car, lifting your child quickly, throwing a ball. Doing a kneeling power ball throw, (as seen in the video) will measure your own upper body power. Lay a tape measure on the ground for the inches reference. Grab a medicine ball (14lbs for females, 20lbs for males). Hold it to your chest, lean back, and use as much upper body power as possible to launch that ball as far as you can. As you continue on your exercise program, include a variety of different types of exercises, and watch this number increase. You might need a partner to read off the number for you.


Lower Body Power

Like upper body power, lower body power is the ability to move a weight over a short amount of time. Everyday examples are jumping, starting a sprint (also acceleration), or even quickly moving from one area to another, getting out of your car, or tripping and catching yourself. Having lower body power can also play a pivotal role in injury prevention, saving your hips, knees, and ankles from general wear and tear, or acute injuries. A great way to measure this is with the standing broad jump. Now, this exercise is not recommended for beginning exercisers with knee problems, so you might want to wait a little bit for this one. Feel free to ask me what you could do to replace this test! Stand with feet shoulder width apart, swing arms back, the jump forward as far as you can. Only stuck landings count! Measure the distance from your back heel to the starting point (just jump next to a tape measure). Both Upper body and lower body power exercises challenge your muscles and metabolism better than general weight training or cardio, plus they are more functional in the long run. If your goal is to be fast and strong, like Katniss or Tris, then implement power exercises in your everyday routine, and watch BOTH your fitness and your appearance change for the better!